Friday, December 19, 2008

Waking up in Joy.

I ate this half of the roof... to my kids dismay I must add.  I think they wanted to eat it... but they go to bed way earlier than I do, and I got the munchies at 10 o'clock.  
This is my brides creation.  They are called Finnish ice candles!  I love them!
This is Smiley giving a double wink!
No winking here!  All smiles.

I woke up this morning to the sound of giggles in the hallway outside my bedroom door. Laughter is a great alarm clock!  My girls often sneak into my room and jump on me to wake me up.  Sometimes they give me a wet willy or a newgee on the noggin... all work just as effectively as the other.  They snuggle in my arms a while and we pray and then tell stories together.  I love my little alarm clocks and all the joy they bring!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Taking time...

Today I just sat and made silly faces with Giggles to try and get Smiley to smile!
We probably blew the better part of half an hour doing that. It was so much fun!
I believe that the little moments of snuggles and smiles with our children are
what help us to stay soft inside during the most trying and rough times of our
lives. After a prayer for grace and a beaming smile on their face - as one of our
kids run to us for a warm embrace - reality sets in and we are reminded that
we are so loved... Thank you God for the hundreds of smiles and hugs and
snuggles you have given to me from my very precious children! ~ S.D.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Canadian Artist - Anne Williams

This is a painting that my daughter Anne did in water colour of the smaller picture she saw in a book.
I love my Canadian Artist - Anne Williams!

First Snowman of the year!

This morning the snow on the lawn was packy! With much excitement the girls and I went out to make a snowman! We didn't have any carrots so an orange marker did the trick! The warm weather persisted and Frosty melted into a puddle on our side walk before noon.