Friday, December 19, 2008

Waking up in Joy.

I ate this half of the roof... to my kids dismay I must add.  I think they wanted to eat it... but they go to bed way earlier than I do, and I got the munchies at 10 o'clock.  
This is my brides creation.  They are called Finnish ice candles!  I love them!
This is Smiley giving a double wink!
No winking here!  All smiles.

I woke up this morning to the sound of giggles in the hallway outside my bedroom door. Laughter is a great alarm clock!  My girls often sneak into my room and jump on me to wake me up.  Sometimes they give me a wet willy or a newgee on the noggin... all work just as effectively as the other.  They snuggle in my arms a while and we pray and then tell stories together.  I love my little alarm clocks and all the joy they bring!

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